We have begun March with our third YOUTHpreneur Talk. It was an online event on the platform Zoom where 30 people were present and four very successful stories were shared. Nice words were spread by the young entrepreneurs – Lokman Musliu from Lucky Media, Nikola Jordanovski from Upshift, Irina Janevska from Arno and Miroslav Draganov from Co-Creators with Maja Slaveva as a moderator.
During this e-event, the panelists let the attendees dive deeper into the business world full of opportunities and shared advice on how to overcome the challenges that occur on the road to success of any startup.
The goal of the YOUTHpreneur Talks is to bring young and successful entrepreneurs and businesspeople in the spotlight and motivate young people to start their own business or startup.
Stay tuned and follow our last, but not least, talk happening next Tuesday, co-organized with StartUp Macedonia and Women in Tech Macedonia.