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Tag Archives: Youth Development

Youth Stories #Brave

My biggest personal struggle is probably not being brave enough. In various areas of my life I have found myself being scared of taking risks and changing my status quo, or speaking up.

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Youth Fest

On April 7, the council organized a festival that showcased, through an interactive exhibition, twenty-one stories of the youth in North Macedonia. Other stories that were procured were shared through social media campaign, that had its biggest social media peak at 80K people reached organically, and are periodically still being shared on the council’s social media platform. The festival hosted …

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Let us read you a poem

On March 21 to celebrate “World Poetry Day” the members organized a Poetry Reading that welcomed 50 guests, of which 20 readers. The young people who came took the opportunity to express themselves through the written word and build a practice of sharing in the community.

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Преку Кул Ми Е

“Преку кул ми е” was a debate organized by КРИК / KRIK and Youth Council of the US Embassy in the Republic of Macedonia. Krik is a TV Show for young people. As part of the preparations for the TV Show, we organised a debate in order to discuss the conditions of the media in Macedonia. We invited everyone concerned …

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