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First cycle of the series of trainings – Berovo!

The first cycle of the series of intensive trainings on job searching and career tools, leadership and motivation, soft skills and presentation, and entrepreneurship and innovation has been successfully completed by 32 participants from municipality Berovo this weekend. Participants were exposed to a unique interactive setting where they were challenged to think entrepreneurial and act locally to expand the catalog of opportunities for youth in their community. Trainers and experienced young activists from the Youth Council of the U.S. Embassy in Macedonia shared their knowledge, advice, and experience on how to get the job one wants or create one in the absence of vacant job positions for youth.

The commencement of the venue was attended by Youth Outreach Coordinator at the U.S. Embassy- Skopje, Ms. Ann Tran, who has advised Berovo youth not to easily get discouraged after the first interview and remain persistent in their job search by reflecting on her past experience as a young job seeker in the United States. Public Affairs Officer at Municipality Berovo, Ms. Zorica Rizovska, uttered welcoming words to YC members and wished much success in the acquisition of new skills to local participants. These skills will ultimately contribute municipality development and higher youth inclusion where the Youth Council of the U.S. Embassy remains to be a strong partner in and supporter of the work of Berovo’s future agents of change and prosperity.

In the photo gallery you will be able to see the wonderful atmosphere on the training.

We continue on to our next stop – Debar training – please apply for the free 4 day training by filling out the short participation form that you can download from HERE 


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