Great news to start the day! We started receiving pictures and materials from the schools that joined our initiative!
Vocational High School „Dimitrija Chupovski “ – Veles, Republic of Macedonia
Nearly 80 students from all four years took action to clean the school yard. Teachers and technical staff of the school joined them as well. In an hour, they cleaned the school yard of a total area of 500m2 and gathered 6 bags of waste. Before this action preceded educational class on the topic “The many faces of climate change,” where the 25 students groups in the school got familiar with the importance of Earth Day.
These activities contribute for increasing environmental awareness among young people because they learn that decisions we make today shape the world in which we will live with our children and grandchildren, and that these and similar programs are aimed at preserving the life of the Earth, our single home.
Furthermore, group of 28 students with flash mob – musical performance in the Youth Park located near the school appealed to the public on the need for nature conservation.
Pictures of the cleanup and flash mob follow!