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Movie Night

On September 5 the Youth Council hosted a movie and snacks night in American Corner Skopje featuring the movie “Little Miss Sunshine” and a discussion afterwards on the topic of mental health.

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Youth Day

The message that our priority will be mental health was conveyed through a celebration of World Youth Day on August 12 through a casual networking event. The event featured three signature non-alcoholic drinks “Anxiety on the beach”, “Tropical Depression”, and “Brain Drain on Ice” that came with a caster containing facts about these youth concerns. On the event the members …

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Youth Fest

On April 7, the council organized a festival that showcased, through an interactive exhibition, twenty-one stories of the youth in North Macedonia. Other stories that were procured were shared through social media campaign, that had its biggest social media peak at 80K people reached organically, and are periodically still being shared on the council’s social media platform. The festival hosted …

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DJ Ux (Oubli) – Making diversity cool through underground music

” In a society where diversity is seen as lunacy and where ideas stay trapped in people’s minds, spreading our beliefs has been a constant battle.Primarily driven by the lack of space that is offered for talented and creative individuals, Oubli is a project led by three young music enthusiasts that aims to enrich everyday life with quality underground music …

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Youth Fest

What matters to youth? Our stories matter. Our solidarity matters. Words matter. Music matters. Diversity matters.The air we breathe, our education, our leaders. Art and style matter. Free expression. Our ideas, our confidence, our crafts. We may acknowledge that all of the above matters, but we also need to celebrate it. We need others to hear our stories, we need …

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Let us read you a poem

On March 21 to celebrate “World Poetry Day” the members organized a Poetry Reading that welcomed 50 guests, of which 20 readers. The young people who came took the opportunity to express themselves through the written word and build a practice of sharing in the community.

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Poetry Reading

You are all invited to the World Poetry Day, which is going to be hosted by the Youth Council, at Metanoja! On the event, you have the chance to indulge the audience with your poetry work and share your passion with the young people in this community. The event is open for everyone who wants to give us a look …

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Merry Christmas

In true Christmas giving spirit, on December 28, the members of the Youth Council joined the members of Youth Empowerment Association and Macedonian Medical Student Association to visit the young orphans in the dorm “Goce Delchev” and play board games with them, give them gifts, and offer examples of kindness and compassion to the youngest.

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