Home / Featured / We talk to Vedije Ratkoceri about cyber bullying: What is the legal aspect of it

We talk to Vedije Ratkoceri about cyber bullying: What is the legal aspect of it

The development of technology, internet, social networks have undoubtedly changed our lives, facilitating it with an easier and faster access to information.

Technology and internet access helped us the most in the development of learning activities, work and other contacts especially during the emergency situation and quarantine due to COVID-19. However, it was soon seen that the development of technology and its use to a large extent also has its downside. This use of technology and the internet opened the door to many anti-social and criminal behaviors, which previously were impossible to commit.            

Cyber bullying is defined as the use of electronic means or technology that repeatedly and intentionally harass, threaten, hurt, humiliate, humiliate or intimidate one or more persons. Threats or negative comments on the Internet that affect religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, physical differences of a person are also considered as discrimination, which is prohibited by law. Therefore, young people should also be educated about what their behaviors, sometimes even unintentional, can be criminal behaviors that are sanctioned by law.

When bullying occurs online, the victim feels like he or she is being attacked everywhere, even inside his / her home, he / she feels like there is no escape. Cyber bullying can be considered a crime, a criminal offense due to threats, humiliation, lies and coercion or even sexual harassment against the victim.

The consequences of cyberbullying are obviously long-term, leading to serious problems, so it is important that young people seek help when faced with such situations. When the case is more serious, the victim should report the case to the police, either on their own, or with the encouragement and support of parents and other adults. The police then will identify the perpetrator and make it possible bullying to be stopped and this will contribute to the prevention of cyber bullying against other victims (current or potential) of the same perpetrator.

Vedije Ratkoceri is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Law and Security at the Law Faculty, South East European University.

Participate in a large nationwide youth research to assess the state of cyberbullying among young people and its connection to the quality of life and mental health of youth! Complete the questionnaire below honestly and let’s raise awareness of this phenomenon in our society together.

The questionnaire is anonymous and the data will be used exclusively for the needs of the research.


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